
ESC in insertMode: switch to command mode

in CommandMode: delete CommandBuffer (not yet done automatically)
i,a,I,Aswitch to insert mode
sdelete current character and switch to Insert Mode
oadd a new line after the current line and switch to insert mode
Oadd a new line before the current line and switch to insert mode
$move to the end of the line
0move the the beginning of the line
yyyank (copy) current line
yyank (copy) selected text
ppaste text in buffer
ddDelete current line
dk, d(Up Arrow)delete current line and the line above
dj, d(Down Arrow) delete current line and the line below
dwDelete word
d$Delete to the end of the line
d0Delete to the beginning of the line
cc,SDelete current line and switch to insert mode
cwDelete to the end of the word and switch to insert mode
c$Delete to the end of the line and switch to insert mode
c0Delete to the beginning of the line and switch to insert mode
ggGo to the first line
GGo to the last line
nGGo to the n-th line
/xxxsearch for xxx
*search for word under cursor
# search for word under cursor backwards
nsearch again with the last search string
Nsearch backwards with the last search string
xdelete current character
:wSave file
:wqSave file and close editor
:qClose editor without saving
:nrgo to line number "nr"
hjklmovement keys
wmove one word forward
bmove one word backward
.repeat last command